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Benign pituitary cysts are a common finding
in autopsy studies and can occasionally become large enough to cause
symptoms by compression of the intrasellar or suprasellar structures.
Although cysts in the sella and suprasellar region are a diverse group of
entities, they are often indistinguishable on the basis of clinical and
radiographic findings, and a diagnosis can often be made only by gross and
histologic examination.
Pituitary adenoma with cystic degeneration is
the most common intrasellar cyst, and it as well as other neoplastic
processes in the pituitary gland and sella turcica are discussed elsewhere.
Epithelial cysts', including craniopharyngioma, Rathke's cleft cysts, and
epidermoid cysts, represent another group of intrasellar lesions, which
differ from the first in that they can be considered primarily cystic.
Although these cysts have traditionally been thought of as separate
entities, there are convincing reasons for considering them as a group, and
it is likely, although not proved, that they have a common ancestry.
Histologically they appear to make up a spectrum ranging from
craniopharyngioma, the most complex, to the single-cell-layered Rathke's
cleft cyst, the simplest. The craniopharyngioma, the most common and no
doubt the most often studied, is reviewed in detail elsewhere, and is
considered here only as it relates to the group as a whole. Here the focus
on the various epithelial cysts, and specifically the Rathke's cleft cyst.
Pathogenesis and Histology
Although the pathogenesis of these lesions is
by no means clear, it is generally believed that the cells of origin are
derived from or are remnants of Rathke's pouch. Rathke's pouch appears
during the third or fourth week of embryonic life as an outgrowth of
stomodeum and elongates dorsally to form the craniopharyngeal duct. By the
11th week, the proximal end of this duct is obliterated, while the cranial
portion comes into contact with the infundibulum, a protrusion of the third
ventricle. The anterior wall of the pouch proliferates to form the anterior
lobe of the pituitary gland and the pars tuberalis; the posterior wall
becomes the pars intermedia. The residual lumen of the pouch is reduced to a
narrow cleft which generally regresses. It is the persistence and
enlargement of this cleft that is said to be the cause of symptomatic
Rathke's cleft cysts. Lined by a single layer of epithelium, which is
frequently ciliated and often contains goblet cells, the cleft wall is
histologically similar to the single-cell-layered Rathke's cleft cyst.
Shanklin found such clefts in 13 of 100 human autopsy specimens; most were
small, the largest measuring 2 x 3 mm. Small nests of squamous epithelium,
particularly at the junction of the pars tuberalis and the stalk, which are
often seen as incidental findings in human autopsies, have been widely
accepted as remnants of Rathke's pouch and are thought to be the cells of
origin of craniopharyngiomas and suprasellar epidermoid cysts. Other
theories for the formation of Rathke's cleft cysts postulate that the cells
of origin are derived from neuroepithelium or from endoderm.
Rathke's cleft cysts in
their simplest form are generally composed of cuboidal or columnar
epithelium on a basement membrane. These cells are frequently ciliated, and
often many mucous-producing goblet cells are seen. Immunohistochemical
studies of asymptomatic Rathke's cleft cysts reveal columnar or cuboidal
epithelium cells that are positive for at least one of the pituitary
hormones. In contrast, in symptomatic Rathke's cleft cysts, the partially
stratified squamous and partially squamous epithelium contains none of the
pituitary hormones. Ikeda and colleagues postulate that in symptomatic
cysts, the monolayer epithelium might undergo squamous metaplasia, and the
cells that are positive for pituitary hormones change into nongranulated
cells. Immunohistochemistry with monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies
reveals the presence of cytokeratins, vimentin, and glial fibrillary acidic
protein (GFAP) in epithelial cells of Rathke's cleft cysts.
Squamous epithelial cells can be found
in Rathke's cleft cysts. These can either be simple or stratified squamous
components, and they may be mixed with columnar or cuboidal epithelial cells
in the cyst wall. It appears that these complex Rathke's cleft cysts
represent a transitional form between the simple, single-layered Rathke's
cleft cyst and craniopharyngioma. Rathke's cleft cysts and craniopharyngioma
may therefore be closely related and might share a common cellular origin
from Rathke's pouch. Yoshida and colleagues described a complex Rathke's
cleft cyst containing columnar as well as stratified squamous epithelium. In
tissue culture, this tumor and a craniopharyngioma both grew prickle cells
with microvilli and desmosomes; the authors suggested that both tumors had a
common cell origin In contrast, Russell and Rubinstein disagree, and
classify these transitional forms as true Rathke's cleft cysts with
extensive squamous metaplasia.
Clinical Presentation
Rathke's cleft cysts are most often small and
asymptomatic; they are found in 2.t0 26 percent of subjects in routine
autopsy series. Occasionally they become large enough to cause symptoms by
compression of intrasellar and suprasellar structures. At least 155
symptomatic Rathke's cleft cysts have been reported in the literature. The
lesion may become symptomatic in childhood, but most reported cases have
been in adults, with an even age distribution from the second to the sixth
decade. Shanklin found no sex difference in his autopsy series of ciliated
epithelial cysts, but others report that symptomatic Rathke's cleft cysts
occur more often in female than male patients by a 2: 1 margin.
As with other tumors arising in this region,
the clinical presentation of a Rathke's cleft cyst is related to the extent
of compression of the pituitary gland and the surrounding structures. When
symptoms occur, they cannot be distinguished from those caused by other mass
lesions. The most common presenting symptoms are pituitary dysfunction (70
percent), visual field defects (55 percent), and headaches (50 percent).
Hypopituitarism is the most common hormonal abnormality, and
hyperprolactinemia, with or without amenorrhea and galactorrhea, is the
second most common.
Mild to moderate elevations of serum
prolactin levels, also seen with other non secreting tumors in this
location, are presumably due to interference with prolactin-inhibiting
factor at the stalk level or above. Gonadotropin failure is generally
responsible for the early symptoms; failure of growth hormone secretion,
thyroid and adrenal dysfunction, and diabetes insipidus generally occur
When the cyst expands
beyond the confines of the sella, visual disturbances owing to compression
of the optic chiasm and optic nerves occur. These usually include bitemporal
hemianopsia and decreased visual acuity. Hydrocephalus and a resulting
increase in intracranial pressure may be caused by deformation of the
foramina of Monro. Aseptic meningitis, presumably caused by leakage of cyst
contents into the subarachnoid space, has been reported in some cases of
Rathke's cleft cyst. A case of pituitary apoplexy caused by hemorrhage into
a Rathke's cleft cyst has been reported.
Differential Diagnosis
The differential diagnosis
of intrasellar and suprasellar cystic lesions includes a wide variety of
pathologies. Non-neoplastic intrasellar cysts include craniopharyngiomas.
Rathke's cleft cysts, pars intermedia cysts, arachnoid cysts, mucoceles,
cysticercosis cysts, and the "empty sella." The most common cystic lesion in
the sella is a cystic pituitary adenoma, which can be formed either by
necrosis or by intratumoral bleeding. Although differentiating among these
various cysts can be difficult on clinical and radiographic examination,
high resolution computed tomography (CT) and especially magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) make differentiation much more possible than in the past. The
CT and MRI properties of Rathke's cleft cysts are quite variable, but some
authors think that cystic pituitary adenomas and cystic craniopharyngiomas
can be differentiated from Rathke's cleft cysts.
Pars intermedia cysts were the most common
cysts in Baskin and Wilson's series of 38 non-neoplastic intrasellar cysts.
These cysts all occurred in female patients who presented with menstrual
irregularities and/or galactorrhea, with headaches being a less common
finding. These cysts do not arise from Rathke's cleft, and the walls are
made up of fibrous tissue. Pars intermedia cysts may develop when colloidal
substances accumulate in a follicle or pseudofollicle in the zona intermedia
and pars distalis. Degeneration and rupturing of basophiles in the
adenohypophysis have been implicated in their pathogenesis. Perhaps the
endocrinologic surges in the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone,
luteinizing hormone, and prolactin associated with menses and pregnancy
increase the likelihood of degeneration of these cells, which then leads to
cyst formation. In the experience of Baskin and Wilson, these cysts had no
communication with the subarachnoid space, and after drainage did not
Radiologic Features
Rathke's cleft cysts are usually located in
the midline in or above the anterior portion of the sella turcica, and have
well-defined margins that are round or lobular. The pituitary stalk and
gland are usually displaced posteriorly. Plain x-ray films of the skull have
shown the usual abnormalities associated with sellar and suprasellar
lesions-ballooning of the sella and destruction of the anterior and
posterior clinoid processes.
CT and MR images vary according to the
morphology of the cyst wall and the contents of the cyst. A single layer of
cuboidal or columnar epithelium is not clearly seen on imaging studies and
will probably not enhance. However, when stratified squamous epithelium is
present or if inflammation occurs in the cyst wall, CT enhancement occurs.
Various kinds of cyst contents may be present, ranging from a CSF-like clear
fluid to thicker, tenacious mucinous material. Cholesterol crystals have
been reported in the cyst contents. Nemoto and colleagues postulated that
the amount of mucopolysaccharides in the cyst will influence the imaging
pattern. In some cases, the findings on CT and MRI might lead to a correct
preoperative diagnosis, but in most cases the imaging features are not
typical of simple cysts, and a definite preoperative diagnosis cannot be
CT typically shows an
enlarged sella turcica containing a cystic mass, which can be either
hypodense or isodense with brain. One third of the low-density cysts will
show some ring enhancement. Although an exception has been reported,
calcification is typically not seen in Rathke's cleft cysts.
MRI is better than CT in determining the
extent of the cyst and its exact relationships to the optic nerves, optic
chiasm, and hypothalamus. MRI shows a round or ovoid mass lesion in the
sella, sometimes extending to the suprasellar cistern. It is sharply defined
from the surrounding tissue without a remarkable mass effect or invasion.
The image intensity of these cysts is quite variable, and depends on the
cyst contents and the nature of the cyst wall. Thin-walled cysts filled with
clear CSF-like fluid are hypointense to brain on T1-weighted images and
hyperintense to brain on T2weighted images. If the cyst is filled with
creamy or mucoid material, T1-weighted images can be either iso- or
hyperintense, and T2-weighted images are usually isointense. Simple Rathke's
cleft cysts are usually homogenous in appearance, whereas more complex cysts
have a heterogeneous internal appearance, with regions of wall thickening
and contrast enhancement.
Surgical Therapy
With recent technological advancement in CT
and MR imaging, increasing numbers of intrasellar cystic lesions are being
diagnosed. Because most Rathke's cleft cysts are asymptomatic and because up
to 20 percent of patients with no clinical manifestations of intrasellar
pathology may have an area of hypodensity on CT scanning, only patients with
clear neurological and endocrinologic indications should undergo
exploration. In cases where endocrinologic function is normal and no
compression of extrasellar structures can be demonstrated, an operation is
not indicated. Symptomatic Rathke's cleft cysts should be treated by
evacuation of the contents and liberal opening of the cyst wall. Biopsy of
the cyst wall and histologic analysis is important in all cases to rule out
other neoplastic conditions. Total removal of the cyst wall is not necessary
to prevent recurrence in most cases. Extensive dissection should therefore
be avoided to decrease the risk of morbidity, including partial or total
pituitary insufficiency or damage to the suprasellar structures. The
transsphenoidal approach is the method of choice for treatment of Rathke's
cleft cysts because it involves fewer risks and complications, permits
direct visualization and drainage of the cyst, and has good results. Some
authors have reported good results from treating intrasellar cysts with
craniotomy and cyst drainage, but this procedure should probably only be
undertaken when a transsphenoidal approach is contraindicated or,
occasionally, when the cyst is entirely suprasellar in location.
The recurrence rate of Rathke's cleft cysts
following transsphenoidal drainage has been reported to be as low as 5
percent. Simple cyst aspiration is not recommended; two of five cysts
treated in this way and reported in the literature recurred. If Rathke's
cleft cyst and craniopharyngioma do represent a continuum, it seems likely
that the cysts that resemble craniopharyngiomas would to some degree share a
craniopharyngioma's potential for regrowth. If a complex cyst is found at
operation, therefore, the patient should have careful follow-up with serial
MRI studies. In cases of recurrence, a second operation with excision and
drainage is recommended. Following transsphenoidal drainage of symptomatic
Rathke's cleft cysts, Baskin reported that serum prolactin levels normalized
in 50 percent of patients, and headaches were ameliorated in 80 percent.
Among the females, menses returned in 80 percent, and galactorrhea ceased in
50 percent. Others have reported that most symptoms and signs improved or
resolved after surgery, with the exception of hypopituitarism and diabetes
Radiation therapy has no
role in the treatment of these benign lesions. One patient treated initially
with irradiation developed visual disturbances and hypopituitarism.

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